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In the far flung future, humanity has transcended death after reaching a state of near immortality. Now a growing anomaly at the edge of the galaxy has humans facing the one thing they can’t escape… the end of existence. 

Unwilling to let humanity perish ahead of schedule, Systems Control, the AI that manages the human collective, sends a group of scientists and one unlucky college student into the abyss at the edge of the galaxy.

Travel with the crew of experimental starship, The Leviathan, to the edge of the galaxy as they race to save their worlds by unlocking the secrets of lightspeed.

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A killer hunts the immigrants of Chicago seeking something lost. Freshly minted FBI Agent Catalina Davidson doesn’t want to fail the victims, but to find the killer she’ll have to team up with a detective facing mandatory medical retirement and an informant who appears to be playing both sides of the fence.

Together this unlikely trio will find that lost things have a way of coming back to haunt you. Will Agent Davidson discover what the killer is looking for before the case gets taken away from her? Will Detective Bataille find a graceful path to retirement? Can John Alex outrun his past yet again?

The city of Chicago had better hope they do…

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Unceremoniously fired, hungry, and just trying to get home before it starts raining Larry suffers the final indignity of his day… busted bike chain.

One cut on his hand latter he’s in the path of Veronica, New York City’s original punk-rock vampire. She wasn’t looking for a meal tonight, but fresh blood always has her fangs dripping. 

Her meal plans are interrupted by a group of vampire hunters. One fumble later and Larry’s saved Veronica’s immortal life. 

Pulled into the underground world of the vampires it’s quickly clear that the most dangerous thing in NYC isn’t the vampires, it’s the humans who live with them.